Beauty – Berry Lips and Cat Eye Inspiration

When it comes to beauty and make-up, I go through phases. I used to wear eyeliner every single day – often alongside red lipstick (my video tutorial for 60’s eyeliner is at the end of this post). Then I sort of rebelled against all the make-up and chose to focus on my skin and my life, deciding that 10mn spent on painting my face in the morning were 10mn too many. These days, I am in a comfortable in-between zone, wearing red lipstick one day (loving the new gloss to matte textures) and eyeliner the next. Sometimes both, especially on shoots as it really helps giving my face some definition. My Beauty board on Pinterest reflects this change, and I wonder if perhaps it isn’t thanks to my Beauty board that I realised there was a shift in my make-up world.

Below, I selected some of my favourites for you to get inspiration from too (main image credit – Dolce & Gabbana)

Burberry – read my post on how to get the look.
Sabrina Ioffreda by Tung Walsh for Russh Magazine September 2014

Ali Michael by Tim Barber for Oyster Mag
Left: photo by Jason Lloys Evans for Teen Vogue // Right: Scarlett Johansson
Left: Daily Makeover // Right: Vegas Nay on Instagram
