Tarot Card Of The Month – The Tower
At first glance we see this card and feel fear, it looks destructive, but over my years spent with Tarot I have grown to love its chaotic charm and the guidance that it brings. This month teaches us about unexpected change that comes into our lives like a lightning bolt.
When we are aware of our own need to move forwards we have a great power to direct and take charge and the Universe supports that. When we hold ourselves back from heading onwards we often get what I call ‘The Tower effect’. The Tower is a catalyst for change, when the Universe brings that shift right to your doorstep. Surprise!
Your theme for November is to get ahead of the game. Is there something within your life, be it a way of thinking or a situation that you know just has to change? Use this month to beat the Universe and shift yourself onwards, you can actually BE the Tower energy. Allow newness to be your bridge to a brighter and better place, If you are struggling then let someone else help you, allow them to be that spark to support you in your journey.
Finally think of this lightning bolt as absolutely anything that is out of the blue, in no way is this card always about chaos, it can represent a flash of inspiration as well as the unanticipated arrival of a new love interest. This is a great reminder for us about perception and how we don’t need to view the unknown as fearful, let’s choose to celebrate the exciting opportunities we have ahead.
I just Tower carded my whole life and moved house, determined to shift myself onto the next cycle of my journey. Let me know in the comments if you feel you have any ‘Tower’ moments around you right now and we can chat about coping with change.
Let’s chat in the comments or if you would like a one on one Tarot reading with me in person, over Skype or via email, please contact me at [email protected]