My LA Photo Diary (Part III)

Third and final part of my L.A. photo diary, this time taken on my phone, so those of you who follow me on Instagram might have seen these already. If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, SHAME ON YOU. You are clearly missing out on a plethora of cats, dogs, photos of food and selfies. I am not sure how you can live without staring at photos of food and selfies. But hey, to each their own, right?

If you did want to follow me on Instagram, I am MelleRobot on there – you can even stalk me on your computer, I am easy like that. If you are on Instagram and think I would love to follow you, let me know in the comments, I like stalking people. And by stalking, I mean discovering other people’s lifestyles. And by this I obviously mean stalking. Anyway – let’s all stalk each other on our phones in a wonderful stalking party. I would have said “orgy” but it sort of sounded wrong. We hardly know each other.

Traduction – Beaucoup de digressions pour vous dire que voici la denière partie de mon journal photo de Los Angeles. Et que vous pouvez me suivre sur Instagram (lien ci-dessus).
