This dress is another big favourite of mine. Even when it used to be knee lenght. It is a vintage French uniform for the Service Nautique, in other words, the French equivalent of the Navy. Despite its colour it has a definite nautical feel to it, so I have to break it by wearing it in a not so nautical way. I used to wear it too literally, with a stripey top and white tights (which is also cute), but I wanted to give a go at making it into something else. Nothing crazy, as you can see, just a nice everyday outfit – another one. I know I am showing a lot of everyday outfits, but I am not exactly doing anything at the moment apart from working, and sometimes meeting my friends in the evening for a more than welcome drink.
I am completely unable to live without these shoes at the moment, especially as they are extremely comfortable and I am still able to walk and dance wearing them, which is rare, as I am a recently reformed flats wearer. Heels and me, it is a long story. I used to wear them a lot, then stopped because of ankle problems, then started again, then stopped, we can’t seem to decide if we are made for each other or arch nemesis, heels and me. At the moment, we are all lovey dovey, and the family is expanding, but who knows… By the time summer comes, we might break up again. Or maybe not. This time I feel it is forever. I found the type of heel that agrees with my retarded ankle, and they happen to be widely available at the moment, so I better stock up. I like chunky heels and hidden platforms. I also love wedges, but the boy spent so long lobbying against them (his arguments are totally stupid by the way, in case you were wondering) that instead of having to endure his constant anti-wedge badgering, I sort of gave up on them. Don’t get me wrong, I never listen to him, nor am I a victim of Male oppression. I just like to let him think he has a say in some things, sometimes. I love him really, so I have to compromise. I wouldn’t want him to go around wearing sweatpants now, would I?

Am I the only crazy shortening ALL my dresses? Do you like heels or flats? Do you have a favourite type of heels? Do you like my tight sweater? See how it fits my body.