I think I’ve now spent a big chunk of my adult life out of school – having graduated from University at 21, I’ve spent the past 15 years unencumbered by this September to June rhythm. Yet my years still seem to begin in September and wind down around mid-June, my mind drifting towards the sea, sand and blue skies. Sure, being the mother of a school-age child, you could say I may as well be back at school myself, but I think it is something deeper in me that makes me stick to this academic calendar. January and its inevitable string of fruitless resolutions leaves me cold. It never feels like a new start despite being the official dawn of a new year. Instead, July and August are two months during which inspiration always strikes, be it about the most mundane parts of my life or regarding some seriously major decisions. And so this “Endless Summer” which really only lasts two months becomes the fountain of inspiration to which I refer back all year long. The places I visit, the things I do, outdoors pursuits and life al fresco all leave a deep imprint on my brain, ready to be called upon throughout Fall, Winter and Spring. I suppose this is why I call Los Angeles my happy place and hopefully soon I will call it home. There the Summer doesn’t end and the inspiration is boundless. Join me and Monsieur Robot in this Endless Summer, make yourself at home, we are here for two months.
Main image taken in Venice last week.