It’s love month on the blog and I’ve been struggling not to write a whole load of random posts about all the things I love. You know like pizza, Spider-Man, red wine, serial killers, pictures of cats dressed up like people and utterly bleak European arthouse cinema.
Rest assured these posts would all be great reads but I need to focus on the main function of the blog which is fashion. I could wax lyrical about the cinematic prowess of Wes Anderson until you started bleeding from the ears – everything from his irreverent dialogue to his distinct mise-en-scène but where’s the fashion angle? Well, finally the Wes Anderson ‘look‘ , or more specifically the Royal Tenenbaums look has become a trend. A genuine bona fide trend. No longer do you have to wait until Halloween to dress up as Margot Tenenbaum or Eli Cash because everything from 70’s tennis chic to urban cowboy is trailing the catwalks. Here’s a rundown on how to get the Wes Anderson look and stay on trend.