January 2015 – Reinvention

We are officially back in the studio today, head filled with ideas and ready to start 2015 in style… With a new concept for the blog which I hope you will enjoy.

This blog has been going for so long (well over 7 years now) and, apart from a few layout changes, personal style evolution and other variations, the concept has remained the same. And when I say “concept”, it sounds weird, because up until today, there was no concept to this blog, besides from it being the bucket in which I get to mix all my feelings and thoughts about fashion, lifestyle, travel and other experiences. And you know what I discovered recently? I am bored of it. Seven years is a darn long time in one job and so it is time for a change! The beginning of a new year is just the right time to do it.
From now on – and for as long as I can keep it up – I will be following monthly themes and so each month on the blog will be like an issue of a magazine that you can discover one post at a time. The same categories will still exist: fashion, beauty, travel, lifestyle etc but they will be bent to fit within set themes. There will be more of a direction to the blog, which will no doubt help me with inspiration when I get stuck in a rut (it happens a lot). 
What does this mean in practical terms? It means fewer weekly posts, but longer features with more photos. At the end of each post, there will be a clickable banner that will enable you to see all the posts within a specific theme (or you can click on the category name under the post too). At the end of the month I will post a recap and there will be a dedicated Pinterest board to each theme as well, including additional images (this is the one for this month). If I remember, I will try to also hashtag my tweets and instagram when relevant – this month will be #reinvention.
As you can see from the title of this post, the theme for January is “Reinvention” – it made sense as I am making tweaks to the blog and also because for many of you, January will be a month to initiate changes in your life, style or habits. Stay tuned and let me know what you think in the comments, or via social media!
Introducing this month’s spirit animal – the Northern Faced White owl aka Transformer owl