Halloween is just round the corner and the “What do I wear?’ question is more pertinent than ever. Girls have it easy – if Mean Girls taught us anything it’s that you can either look ‘stupid’ or ‘sexy’ and there’s really not much of a choice there. If you need a sweet costume and don’t want to look stupid then here are some ideas… Click on the products to shop!
Donnie Darko
Patrick Bateman
You could do this one on a budget but you know that Patrick wouldn’t be caught dead in anything but the finest designer clothes. Accessorize with an axe and the best business card you can muster – bone with Silian Rail as a font will work. If you want to flesh the look out then grab a briefcase too, you could put your nail-gun in there.
Pee Wee Herman
We are big Pee Wee Herman fans at Robot HQ. In fact we both own talking Pee Wee dolls which if you think about it is pretty weird. Alsost as weird as Pee Wee. You could easily cobble this one together with clothes you already own – just style it correctly and practice Pee Wee’s trademark laugh.
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