Letters From The Louniverse – June

Tarot Card Of The Month – The Eight Of Swords 

Where are you feeling restricted?
Changes happen, time moves on, we grow up, we get busy and we get stressed out. External happenings are out of our control, but we always have the option to empower ourselves internally. I believe that in the moments when we feel the most restricted, it is then that we just need to be willing to expand our viewpoint. The Eight of Swords reminds us that we all have the power to unbind ourselves from our fears.
Often when we blocked in an area of life it’s because somewhere along the line we have laid back, hopped out of the present moment and sucked our vision into a tight tube. When we feel stuck we only see a brick wall ahead, our intuition is closed down and we are packed into a tiny limited thought space. In this place we will rarely be able to see a way through a challenge – and how could we?
It is our fears that wrap us up tightly and hold us in. Fear is limited and unstable but Love is limitless and grounding – Both can be a pair of spectacles that we wear. In the moment that we choose to try to see a more loving place beyond our blinkers we suddenly start to stretch from our constraints.
The easiest way to expand your possibilities and potential is to give yourself space. When we don’t make time to be still, alone, for even one minute then it will always be difficult to feel that life is on our side.
This month, start a morning practice, commit only to sitting down. Once you are there you are already giving yourself space. One day it might be 30 seconds and another two hours. Breathe and listen.
You will notice how the value that you give to your time reflects outwards to gift you a more wide angled lens on your challenges. With your expanded sight, you might, quite suddenly, be able to wriggle free.

Let’s chat in the comments or if you would like a one on one Tarot reading with me in person, over Skype or via email, please contact me at [email protected] 
