Style Icon – Karen From Californication

Considering my all-consuming passion for all things Los Angeles, I am not quite sure why I haven’t written about Californication before. Thank glob, I am repairing this now and introducing you to my current TV style crush, the wonderful Natascha McElhone who plays Hank Moody’s soulmate and baby mamma Karen in Californication

At first I wasn’t sure what to think about Karen, as the show was obviously focusing on Hank, she seemed like a second thought. Then as the episodes and the story progressed she gradually stole the show from Hank (for me anyway). Her strength, determination and elegance are what won me over eventually. I mean, just imagine living with Hank Moody: as charming as he is (and as hot as David Duchovny is), he is such an ass, a drinking,  trouble-making, bridge burning, womanising shell of a man. But he loooooooooves Karen. And I can’t blame him, she is pretty much a Goddess – not unlike Rayna Jaymes from Nashville, but this is a story I will keep for another day. 
Style-wise, Karen grows during the show but remains pretty much the epitome of the California babe,  Venice hipster mum mixing vintage maxi-frocks with oversized jackets, owner of the best collection of sunglasses and neck scarves and general wearer of great casual staples. But enough talking, it is time for you to join me in worshipping at the altar of Karen, the Goddess of Abbot Kinney.
This is from the latest episode (or maybe the one before) and is one of my favourite outfits to date. All black everything, leather collar on her blazer, skinny jeans and possibly ankle boots of some description. It may seem boring but on her, it becomes high fashion. It is the way she carries herself, HER HAIR and her great nail polish choices that set her apart I think.

Here she is casually superstylin’ in Gelsons. Look at this artful combination of necklaces! The cardigan layered over a blazer! THE HAIR!!! Marcie on the other hand could do with some help in the wardrobe department, what even IS this brown leather monstrosity? She looks like she is slowly turning into a GP’s waiting room sofa.
I never thought I would post a picture of someone wearing a zip-up denim jacket and approve of it, but if it is Karen, it becomes a statement. I think so anyway. Look at this happy family. Look at Karen’s scarf and her perfectly messy hair. THAT HAIR, people. 

I have a confession to make: I thought aviator shades looked stupid even on Carrie Bradshaw. But on Karen they don’t. Because she literally just picked them up from the glove box of Hank’s old Porsche and put them on without thinking. They probably aren’t even hers, but like the honey badger of sunglasses, she doesn’t give a shit. Who knows, they could belong to one of Hank’s one night stands, but Karen, she doesn’t care, she just puts them on and owns them. Take that, Bradshaw! Just take one last moment to properly look at her ripped vintage tee-shirt too. Yep, this is something we mere mortals can never achieve. A bit like HER HAIR.
If you thought I was going to mention HER HAIR in this photo, then you were right and I will: *eyes emoji*. I love Karen all in black, I love Karen in her old military jacket. I love when her and Hank have this sad flirtation going on. 
This is “young” Karen – supposedly when her and Hank met in NYC. Look at her embracing the grunge look. Struggling art student Karen, with struggling writer Hank. As you can see, HER HAIR isn’t struggling at all. It is as perfect as it ever was.
Never underestimate the power of a crinkled white shirt.
And did I mention her hair, just look at her perfect hair. Imagine how many hours of yoga on the beach she had to do to get that hair!! How much time spent drawing blueprints at Intelligentsia with the wind gently tousling lock after lock of her perfect surf mane…