Christopher Kane Resort 2014 & My Fashion Angst.

As you may have noticed, my interest in “the collections” has somehow decreased in the past few months. It started last year with a book deadline that prevented me from attending Fashion Week and press days… which made me realise these were things I didn’t actually enjoy doing anymore. If the excitement was gone, what was the point? One of the may perks of being your own boss is to tailor your job everyday so that it makes you happy continuously. So just like that, I scrapped fashion week and press days from my already busy schedule. 
Now because I am a bit of a sullen teenager, this brash move was accompanied by a good old “door slamming, music booming” phase which consisted of me pretty much ignoring what was going on in the fashion world, as some sort of statement to the world – really mainly a statement to my cat, but in my teenage fantasies I was making a bold statement there. The result: half good, half bad. The good thing is that, while ignoring fashion I was also protected from “trends” which, while necessary are somewhat confusing and disruptive to everyday sartorial decisions. This means I was actually able to think about my style properly, not in terms of “I work in a certain industry and must adhere to certain codes”. While I like to think I am mostly my own person and fairly impervious to trends, I of course live in the real world and I see things, which then get stuck in my mind and influence my purchasing habits. In other words, I am human. Essentially I am trying to say that all this anger I was directing at the fashion industry made me free to dress for myself again. 
Now the bad thing is that I obviously missed some wonderful shows and collections from designers I love. Very much like a sulky teenager locked in their room because of some silly argument with their parents, willing to miss out on the best dinner ever just for the sake of being right (and carry on sulking). Fortunately, now I am pretty much done sulking and I am slowly getting reacquainted with the world of Fashion, just in time it seems to witness Christopher Kane‘s glorious Resort 2014 collection. See, I wouldn’t normally pay attention to Resort collections that much, but this one, with its 70s/80s computer graphics inspirations was too good to ignore. Looking at this, I imagine a world where Tron dressing is the norm and primary colours rule supreme. I am seduced by the simple, pure shapes and the audacity of creating a Resort collection that’s not just about being “easy to wear”. Some pieces are works of art.
Traduction – Après une période houleuse où j’ai pris des distances avec la mode, je me réconcilie doucement avec elle juste à temps pour découvrir la collection Resort 2014 de Christopher Kane, qui rappelle les programmes informatiques des années 70-80.

