You all know how much we love our Scandinavian designers here at Robot HQ. There’s just something so seductive about their sublime marriage of form and function that makes understated chic seem effortless. When I saw the Won Hundred SS13 collection I got very excited, which is unusual for me as men’s spring summer collections often fall a little short. There are only so many ways that you can re-design a pair of shorts, right? Won Hundred’s collection, however, is a whole different story. From the egg yolk coloured knit to the ostentatious yet practical hooded rain coat, this is the kind of summer collection I can get really excited about. This rain coat is also perfect for pretending you are an evil Sith lord, or kick ass Jedi (which one you want to be depends on your politics). I should give a special mention to the rucksack/tote bag combo because I fell madly in love with it – why has no-one made a bag like this before? It’s awesome. So here is a little a Spring/Summer sunshine in the middle of winter, just for you. I should mention that the shoot was done in the midst of ‘Movember’ – which explains my facial topiary, but don’t worry, we’re back in beard territory now…