What I will be wearing this Fall

I have been thinking a lot about what I wanted to wear this Fall, as I have been trying to achieve a slightly more grown up style. I am getting a bit sick of dressing like a giant child. I love most of my clothes and probably won’t be buying tons more this season, so I wanted to find new ways to wear them.

Tough Librarian
Because my clothes are extremely girly, a good way to break the mould and make my style evolve has been to incorporate more masculine pieces to my wardrobe, like tailored trousers, biker jackets etc. This led me to experimenting around the “Tough Librarian” look, sometimes replacing the black tailored trousers by skinny jeans (no, not jeggings).

Bag Lady’s Night Out

I don’t like feeling too put together when I go out. I can look put together, but I don’t want to feel it… A mix of lace, ruffles, knee-high socks and a lot of bracelets generally do the trick. In the Fall, you can still go out wearing knee high socks without freezing to death so it I find it nice to avoid the tights and the polish they give a going out outfit. There is something oddly comforting in dressing like a crazy bag lady to go out, it makes you instantly out of “the game girls play”, which is refreshing.
I would have loved to show you all these looks on myself with my own clothes, but unfortunately, I am very poor in time these days and I couldn’t spare a whole morning to dress up like I wanted to. Next time I promise! Gosh, what would I do without Looklet, uh?
If you don’t know what to wear this Fall, don’t forget to enter the Mademoiselle Style giveaway! You have till the 30th of September to enter, and you can win a Style Consultation with me! Just click the button on the left.