Today I am reviewing a facial I did back in January (yes, sometimes I do my research well in advance) at the QMS Medicosmetics Spa, just off the King’s Road in London. What I like to do first, before any facial review, is to apologise profusely for the rather intense amount of close-up photos of my face. It is a rather strange exercise, reviewing facials. It also means whipping out your camera every 5mn to get a quick pic of your big doofus face covered in goo. These are the moments I am very thankful for my Olympus Pen EPL-7 and its special rotating screen. Otherwise, you would mostly be getting photos of my therapist’s forearms. But I digress, as usual.
I really want to tell you about this QMS facial, I swear. I was lucky enough to get a 90mn treatment, which is essentially the dream. It was a mix of their Pure Oxygen Facial and Collagen Rejuvenation. To give you some background information which may come in handy when you decide which facial to get for yourself, I have no particular issues with my skin, apart from the fact that being quite pale, it can quickly become rather dull in the Winter months. My skin is also quite sensitive and in constant need for hydration. So what I asked my therapist was what I always ask when I get anything done in a spa: “help me with the little patches of red and dry skin and restore my skin’s natural glow“.
The team at QMS did a wonderful job at listening and later at granting my wildest skin wishes as you will see below. After the facial, I was a total QMS convert (the products have this slightly luxe-clinical-yet-super-pampering thing that I love) and enquire about purchasing some creams. These don’t come cheap, I need to put this out there. While I feel the facial is great value for money, if you want to purchase the creams (which I highly recommend), do consider saving up a little. I bought their Night Collagen – which is a total miracle worker and after 3 months use helped me get rid of any redness on my face entirely – costs £75. I think it is totally worth it as sorting out a skin issue is priceless, but do be prepared: you will want to buy the products they used on you during your facial. For that visit I limited myself to the Night Collagen, but I later ordered their 24H Cream which has also been a total blessing on the hydration front. The pot is small enough to bring on flights too, which is pretty handy. I lather it on my face before take-off and, while I may look like a total shiny loon during the flight, I land looking fresh as a daisy.
Back to the facial itself, it felt very thorough with something very medical about it which, coming from a family of doctors, I find rather soothing. I relaxed into the hands of my therapist for the day and let her work her magic. This was by far the most in-depth facial I’ve ever had! I can’t remember exactly how many steps there were to it, but I can tell you there wasn’t a minute during the 90mn of the treatment where I didn’t have something on my face. Every step was explained to me and while I can’t remember all the technicalities, I can sum it up for you here: the treatment begins with a cleansing process, then two gentle exfoliations to get rid of dead cells (first with a fruit acid peel then with a cream based exfoliant). This first part is absolutely crucial to the treatment as this helps open up your pores for the second part.
… After a quick spritz of toner, the therapist applied their signature Algae Mask (with cooling effects) and left it on for a little while. This is the part where I usually would start freaking out as the experience could be quite claustrophobia inducing, but my therapist made special eye-holes for me in the mask and it felt just right. When removing the mask, she studied it as problem areas show up on it. Magic!
The third part is the main event and what gives the facial its name: a gentle atomised spray of HO2 Hyaluron Oxygen Serum which contains hyaluronic acid (this is what helps your skin stay young and fills early wrinkles). The final step is a rehydrating one thanks to a paper mask infused with Marine Collagen and more hyaluronic acid.
Inside the King’s Road spa
Before the facial, with light make-up. You can see that my complexion is dulled by the weather and under my eyes is a little too dark.
Pre-facial, no make-up. The areas that need work are quite obvious.
After the cleansing and exfoliating, the skin is already a little more alive.
Algae Mask brings all the LOLS to the yard
… and shows problem areas
The HO2 mist
Final mask before the big reveal
Post facial, make-up free and my skin is so happy!