It seems like ages ago I was travelling to Hamburg on a little Olympus Pen related adventure with Julia. Since then, the holidays came and went, but here I am, getting ready for another Olympus Pen related adventure, this time in London. This afternoon, I will be talking about the soon-to-be-released new Olympus Pen E-PL7 camera in front of the press, at times like this, I am happy not to be a jittery person, because this would definitely be at the top of the jittersphere. Of course I will tell you all about the E-PL7 in due time, it is my Ambassador duty after all!
Back to Hamburg… Looking at the photos confirmed my first thoughts about the city: I must go back. Perhaps in the Winter to truly experience what it is like to exist there. In the meantime, here are many more photos for you to look at, I hope you will enjoy.