The Loved One Presents: The Feline Feeling

lingerie the loved one hannah metz

I’ve been a long time admirer of Hannah McMillan Metz, and of the way she managed to turn her whole life and business into a work of art. I interviewed her back in 2008, just before she started The Loved One – back then she was mostly showcasing her photography on her blog and selling vintage bits and bobs on Etsy (if I remember well). 
In the past few weeks, Hannah was posting snippets of this Feline Feeling video on her Instagram and I was instantly hooked. The result is a camp masterpiece, wonderful little homage to the classic 60s sex kitten flicks. I can’t remember when I last saw a video lookbook that was so unique and well-executed. Something tells me next time I am in Los Angeles, I will be heading over to the Pasadena store for a little spree…

kitty panty the loved one lingerie hannah metz

The Kitty Panty (photo courtesy of TLO – main image courtesy of Emily Alben)
