If you judge this post by the first photo, you must think I’ve lost it. Maybe I have, or maybe I am about to change your life forever (that’s forever for eternity, not the fashion forever that lasts a week). When you look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow and see an even bigger babe, you can give me a call and a high five. The best thing is you can do all that and have some money left over to buy a single ticket to a tropical island (because all this babeness is wasted on this cold and bleak island if you ask me).
Ok now roll drums… My three wallet friendly beauty secrets…
Traduction – Trois secrets de beauté qui ne feront pas de trous dans votre porte monnaie:
1 / Mane n’ Tail shampoo and conditioner: un shampoing et soin pour les chevaux hyper nourrissant qui peut aussi être utilisé sur les humains. Génial et £11 les deux bouteilles.
2 / Maybelline Baby Lips
: le baume pour les lèvres le plus efficace, légèrement coloré et avec en plus un indice de protection solaire 20. Parfait.
3 / Lingettes bébé: pas pour les fesses, mais pour se démaquiller le visage. Très douces et évitent de se laver la figure à l’eau trop souvent.
Enfin, un secret de beauté qui va de soi mais qu’il fait bon répéter sans cesse: buvez de l’eau!! Au moins 1.5 litres par jour. De rien!
Mane n’ Tail shampoo and conditioner
– have you ever seen a horse with bad hair? Neeeigh. This is why this horse shampoo is now sold with a note on the bottle saying it can also be used on humans. I abuse my hair quite a lot and this has the power to repair it after only one wash. Seriously. My hair is shiny and soft and bouncy and my split ends are gone. I know I sound like a shampoo advert, but it is the truth. So go forth and buy it, at £11 for the combo it is worth the try.
Maybelline Baby Lips
– Despite the dodgy name, this is one of the best lip balms I’ve ever tried. And believe me, as the Queen of chapped lips, lip balm is my friend. I’ve tried expensive stuff, cheap stuff, natural stuff, chemical stuff, but nothing compares to Baby Lips. I like mine in Grapevine as it gives a lovely tint. It also has a built in SPF20 which is pretty great. Only issue is that it can be quite hard to find in the UK so I buy mine online. Costs about £4
Baby Wipes – I haven’t lost it, this is most definitely a photo of some baby wipes. I use them to remove make-up (even eye make-up). They are very gentle because they are formulated for babies delicate skin and so they don’t rip your face off like regular make-up removing wipes. It also means you don’t have to use water on your skin too often which is a great thing. Ask your dermatologist. You’re welcome. Cost: £1
Because you’ve been such good soldiers and read on till the end, I am going to give you the ultimate secret (that also happens to be free and available everywhere): drink water!! At least 1.5 litres a day.