Ysterike is a French brand started in 2010 by Sarah Lespagnole, a former ESMOD student. She was able to truly start developing her brand in June 2010, after winning the Who’s Next Blog Contest. The brand is still a teeny tiny little baby, but it is doing really well and is currently being sold on Pixie Market and in Opening Ceremony in NYC and LA to name but a few.
The collections are colourful, fun and always très whimsical, but never actually hystériques which is actually a good thing. Feast your eyes on her SS12 collection while I go and hang a French flag at the window and listen to La Marseillaise while I sit here on my unicycle. Vive la France.
Traduction – Ysterike est une marque française lancée en 2010 par Sarah Lespagnole, une diplômée de l’ESMOD. Après avoir remporté le Who’s Next Blog Contest en juin 2010, sa marque a vraiment décollé. Ce n’est encore qu’un tout petit bout de marque… mais attention: petit mais costaud: Ysterike est déjà distribué mondialement chez Pixie Market ou encore Opening Ceremony. Pas mal, non?
Les collections sont jolies, fantaisistes mais jamais hystéros, et c’est probablement une bonne chose! Vive la France!