Before I start, I would like to give myself a big round of applause, for I resisted the accessories hall for two whole days!! And well… On the very last day I had to go and say my goodbyes to all the pretty bags so I went there. Oh yes, I did. Here you go, I take a bow and let you enjoy today’s findings.
Paris House
Paris House is the brainchild of Sharon Paris, a conceptual artist from New Zealand. If like me you spend most of your life browsing the aisles of Liberty while waiting for meetings, you will have no doubt come across those super cute accessories emblazoned with funny phrases and drawings. When walking past the Paris House stand, I almost laughed out loud when reading “I love you like a fat boy likes cake” on a bag. To sum this up and to quote my 4 year old daughter “I love Paris House as much as ten kittens with poos on their heads” (apparently that means a lot).
Rebecca Minkoff
If you aren’t familiar with Rebecca Minkoff, my guess is that you have been living in a cave for the past decade. That’s alright though, I can help you. First, you should read my interview with Rebecca, then just feast your eyes on her new collection. In the photos below I mixed her classic ranges with some new designs.
Kate Sheridan
Kate Sheridan is a British designer who is most definitely making waves in the accessories world. Her signature graphic prints on oiled canvas adorn many of the new collection and I obviously love them, but the piece that truly got my attention this time was her mini leather bag in electric blue.