The Post Where I dj in Selfridges

It says it in the “About” section of the blog: I used to dj in Paris. That means if people read it, sometimes I end up getting emails like this “hey would you like to come and dj at our pop up Sweet Shoppe in Selfridges?”. 
When I got the email from Ted Baker asking this, I was sitting on my bed in L.A. in my jammies and it was 7am. My first reaction was to panic and I was going to write saying “sorry I haven’t done this for a long time, thanks but no thanks” but then I thought again and decided to go with my usual motto: “when a handsome stranger offers you a lollipop, take it.”

I am very happy I decided to take the djing lollipop Ted Baker was giving to me as it was a real delight to be back in a booth, playing all my current favourite songs. It was also quite an experience to hear my playlist broadcasted on the massive Selfridges speakers. It was quite a responsibility to take on after a few years without practice!
The event itself was really cute, with a selection of Ted Baker’s accessories and of course sweets galore. There were drinks, nibbles, goodie bags and everyone seemed to really enjoy the evening. I even got complimented on the music.
At 9pm, I ran off into the night before my carriage turned into a pumpkin and crawled back to my cave of boxes…
Thanks everyone for coming along to the event and big thank you to the Ted Baker team for inviting me to dj!

This is what I played (as recorded while I was playing it – the wonders of technology):
Part 1

Part 2

I am wearing: Skirt & feather bolero c/o Ted Baker, KG boots.