MRNY – Cameos / Miss Atomic Jewelry

I love all things cameo. But then again, who doesn’t? For a long time, my go-to piece of jewelry was a vintage cameo ring (notice I say vintage, not antique; I think it was a piece of costume jewelry from the last time cameos were all the rage, in the seventies prairie/boho/Young Edwardian era) No matter the outfit – I could be dressed to the nines or wearing the most uninspired jean and t-shirt combo – I could be found wearing this ring. Unfortunately I tend to beat my costume jewels in much the same way I beat my shoes; I wear them until they can’t be worn no more. My cameo ring, much admired wheresoever it took me, is now in faux jewel heaven.
Which brings me to Miss Atomic Jewelry. Miss Atomic (Renee Vaverchak, if you want to get technical) makes cameo-like necklaces, brooches, and bracelets. But there’s a twist. You know how cameos have those pretty Victorian ladies, or ancient Greek ladies, or some other equally elegant lady? Well, Miss Atomic cameos have Day of the Dead skull ladies and undead rock n’ rollers on rosary necklaces and big eyed little sailor girls in fancifully carved frames (the fancy frames remind me a bit of my friend Sarah’s paintings, as she painstakingly carves a very intricate frame for each one – what a gal)! Sometimes I feel a bit stuck on the past with this vintage obsession of mine, but the contemporary icing on the vintage-inspired cake is just what I need to ease my guilt. I know what’s going on my Christmas wish-list.

From top left to bottom: Rock and Roll is Undead Cameo Rosary necklace; Day of the Dead Calavera Cameo Rosary necklace; Big Eyed Sailor Girl Cameo Necklace; Clarabel – Blythe Cameo necklace – art by Emma Mount; Beautiful Skull Gothic Victoria earrings
I especially love the Day of the Dead necklace, because it kind of fools you at first glace (also, it it just New York, or did two out of every three girls dress up as Day of the Dead ladies for Halloween this year?). You don’t immediately realize that she’s not actually one of those elegant ladies with a magnificent updo and aquiline profile – she’s one of those ladies in skeletal form. Very Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I’m usually not so into orange as far as clothes and accessories go, but really like the sort of muted tone of the Clarabel Blythe cameo. I could imagine wearing it with just about any pastel color – actually, I have a dress that’s just about the same color as the Big Eyed Sailor Girl necklace frame that Clarabel would go just smashingly with.
In parting, here’s a taste of what my friend Sarah makes. I am ever in awe of her steady hand. If you look closely on her website, you might find a painting of yours truly.

The Wasp Tamer, by Sarah Bereza.

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