Right guys… If you follow me on Twitter (and you bloody should), you may have picked up on a little teasing about this new pet project of mine. My BFF Loulou and I decided the other day we should start a pretend web radio show. And so we did, and it is here, today, for you.
It is called Babe Time because we are both clearly obsessed with Babes (and will talk about a different babe each week), but it isn’t only about babes. There is also an Oracle, where Loulou will reveal the secrets of the Universe and Question Time (pretty self explanatory really).
If you would like to ask us questions, you can either leave a comment below or if you would like to keep it private, just send an email to [email protected].
Oh and just so you know, Loulou is a lingerie designer, masseuse and artist based in London. She is extremely knowledgeable about: underpants, healing, recovery from illness, ice cream, nutrition, positive mental outlook, purikura, magic.
If you read this, I am guessing you already know me, but just to remind you, here are my areas of expertise: fashion, video games, kids, blogging, tech stuff, serial killers (yeah, WHAT?), karaoke.
And we are both pretty clever when it comes to: boys, animals, Disney, dancing, sex.
We hope you will enjoy this first episode, please forgive the technical errors (we got a little sound effect happy), the ad break (just the one and it lasts 30 seconds, but we will find a way to remove it in the future), the awkward silences, the babe police, the amount of swear words . We promise it really is quite funny – at least it made us giggle.
If you want to download this episode as an mp3 to listen on your phone/ipod, just click here
Here are the links we mention in the show:
Alexander Skarsgard Unofficial Fan Page
Folded Light Facebook Page