Girls have it all. Fashion wise they don’t have any rules, not like guys do. Basically they can wear any item of menswear and all womenswear, should they so choose. What do guys have? Jeans or trousers, shirts and jumpers… It doesn’t really get any more exciting than that does it? If you’ve taken so much as a cursory glance at any women’s fashion magazine or blogs in the past few months you won’t have been able to escape the current obsession with ‘colour blocking’. This isn’t exclusively a woman’s trend, in fact guys have been doing it for ages, albeit subtly, and mostly from the ankle down… But still we’ve been doing it. The dapper gentleman knows that a brightly coloured sock with a brogue is as essential as a pocket square with a blazer, but if you’re more a jeans and trainers guy this trend can work just as well for you. As it’s about colour why not push it to the max? WARNING: The following looks may hurt your eyes. Not suitable for Goths. May contain traces of Unicorn vomit.
Shoes – Vans
Socks – H&M
Jeans – Dior Homme
On a rainy London day (wasn’t it meant to be Spring??) I decided I’d make my own sunshine. These looks should be taken with a pinch of salt. No one wants to look like someone’s colourblind gay uncle, but all attention is good attention right?
Bag – Bang On
Sweatshirt – Vintage
Jeans – American Apparel
Obviously that tote bag is full of sunglasses and eye patches to hand out to passers by and people staring at me at the bus stop. Those losers… Have fun wearing beige yeah?
Jacket – Farah
Bag – Cambridge Satchel
Tee – American Apparel
I surprised myself with the number of primary coloured clothes I already had… I’d just never worn them all at the same time. On purpose. To be honest it’s a genuine pleasure to dress like an explosion in a crayon factory. It’s guaranteed to make you smile… It’s worth a try surely?
Also rocking my world this week :
A.P.C. Futurist Jumpsuit
Vivienne Westwood Gold Label Nebula Shopper
Needing an eye test (probably)
Words & Photos by Warren Beckett
Follow me @RobotMonsieur