
I should have written this a while ago, but work and life got in the way. I would like to let you know what is happening on this blog, what will be happening in the near future. I have gone full circle. I started this website as a hobby, as something to do while my little girl was sleeping, just something that would allow me to write regularly again… Then it developed, and it developed so fast I didn’t really know what was happening and where it would take me. 
It took me somewhere I could write for a living again and most importantly write for myself. Suddenly my hobby had become a job. It was part-time at first but it quickly became a full-time affair. Thanks to this blog, I have met some truly amazing people, made great friends and found work, forged a new career path and for this I am extremely grateful. 
But somewhere along the way, I have lost what made me start this blog in the first place. I have lost my way a little, even if it may not have been obvious to you at all. This was supposed to be a place of self expression, somewhere on the internet where I could collect thoughts, show things I enjoyed and share the more interesting aspects of my life. While running a blog as a business, I had to compromise my initial “vision” to accommodate more commercial pursuits, to talk about current fashion affairs and open up my own personal space to brands and companies… which again I did more than happily as I am pleased to say I fully endorse all the brands and designers I have written about in the past 3 years.
Now, however, I feel it is time for me to go back to basics. I want this site to become more personal again, and I would love to take you on board for this new adventure with more of me and less of brands. Of course, there will still be the occasional post about a new launch or a new collection, regular interviews etc, but it will be only things I really, really respect and endorse. I will not give in to corporate pressure, no matter how gentle and friendly it is. This is my space and I am taking it back. 
This is happening because I started writing two “corporate” blogs regularly, which gives me the freedom to focus my commercial mind onto them and rethink my own space. For this also, I am very thankful as both of these jobs have already taught me so much.
Since I am making changes, I also thought I would take on board someone dear to my heart, my friend Warren who goes by the name Monsieur Robot on this blog and who will be my official Menswear Columnist, helping me develop something I feel has been missing on here.
If you want to get in touch with Warren about menswear related issues, please do so at this address – [email protected].
If you would like to get in touch with me, it is still [email protected]
I hope you will enjoy the next chapter!
x Laetitia