After the Enchanted Palace

Today was glorious. I went to see the Enchanted Palace exhibition at Kensington Palace which I highly recommend to anyone with an interest in British History and / or a fascination with the sorrowful lives of princesses. 
The exhibition is a maze in which you go on a quest to discover 7 princesses who lived in Kensington Palace. Photos are forbidden inside the exhibition, so I won’t share any of these with you today, but expect a complete post about the exhibition as soon as I can get my hands on some images.
What I do have for you are pictures of me (boooooo) wearing my new flower headband made by Loulou Loves You. I thought it was the best way to embrace my inner Disney princess. It totally works, too, so I would strongly advise you to buy or make your own.

Headband – Loulou Loves You
Jacket – Miss Selfridge
Trousers – Zara
Blouse – H&M
Shoes and bag – Vintage

If you are in London, don’t forget I am doing a little talk about me/my career at the Sketchbook pop up shop tomorrow April 7th at 1pm. 
I am also on the Bloggers & Brands panel on Thursday 8th at 3pm.
Here is the address – 10 Newburgh Street, Carnaby, W1.
To ensure you’re on the guest list, please book your seats by RSVPing to quoting your name and the event you wish to attend.