SS2010 – Lingerie

Lingerie as outerwear is a big trend for this Spring, however, even if some of the pieces I am showing you today could very well be worn on the outside, I mainly wanted to show you some wonderful pieces I encountered in September. I already knew Bebaroque and have been infatuated with the whimsicality of their designs for a little while but Playful Promises is a new one (for me).
On the whole, I think the Lingerie Boudoir was my favourite part of the exhibition at Somerset House. Maybe it was because the whole thing was pretty pink, maybe it was just because it was smaller and more intimate, but I was impressed by the brands represented there.
Bebaroque is all about softness, magic and etheral creatures (all things I love) but to be honest they had me at the balloons.
Playful Promises is another story: the sexy story of a futuristic pin-up. I can haz that too, kthxbai.
I think this year again, I will be wearing clothes over my underwear (and not underwear over my clothes or underwear AS clothes) but I will certainly carry on wearing all the lace I have in my wardrobe and perhaps throw in some cute tights & stockings.
The only way I will show my knickers is if the wind blows up my – very short – skirts.
Will you cave in and show off your undies?
