I have also been looking at some photos from the Charles Cushman collection and selected my favourites to show you.
The photos I chose to show you here are some of his “fashion” shots, but do have a look at the rest of his work as it literally is a goldmine. I was completely amazed at how modern most of his candid photographs of women look, but I also took great delight in looking through pages and pages of landscapes, urban scenes etc.
I can’t really think of a better Summer inspiration for me than a stroll at the fair and a bit of mid-century Americana, because to me, that’s what Summer should be all about: beautiful coloured lights & the smell of cotton candy in the evening , crisp whites, denim & bikinis in the daytime.
Living in London, I only get very little of this, but I can daydream, or just reminisce of summers past, with my parents & grandparents on the French Riviera.