Frankfurt is my Main squeeze… Geddit? Pardon the poor pun, I just wanted a clever opener for this post. I guess I still haven’t found one, but at least now I started writing and hopefully you are now distracted enough to have forgotten about my dad joke and we can dive straight into it.I went to Frankfurt to visit the Christmas Market a couple weeks ago and I took this opportunity to also compile a little city guide for you. Aren’t I the nicest? I was staying at the Jumeirah Frankfurt, right in the centre of town, but my spider senses took me to the Nordend district for a slightly more hip / independent shopping & coffee experience.
You know it by now, those visual diaries are the internet equivalent of an evening at a friend’s house where they force you to watch a slide show of their exotic holiday. Come on, stay for another glass of wine, there are 375 more slides to go.

Enjoying a walk along the Main