Palm Springs Visual Diary and That Pink Door

Let me start this Palm Springs diary by telling you this: yes, the house in the photo above is the one with #thatpinkdoor, so good it has its own instagram account and matching hashtag. What I will not tell you is where to find the house, because it took me all of 2mn of google search to find the exact address and I think the hunt is part of the game here… 
Although I was in Palm Springs almost two months ago now, I have been sitting on this post for a very good reason, as it nicely ties in the current theme “Endless Summer” – which you’ve been following for the past two months – with the upcoming theme for September, decided during an important editorial meeting with Monsieur Robot (a 15 minutes iMessage exchange that mostly involved us trying to figure out if “sexy men” would work as a theme). “What is the theme?” you ask… Well the next theme, starting September 1st is “Icons“. We hope to cover quite a lot of ground with it and maybe even throw in some sexy men your way. To stay on today’s topic, and you may be picking up what I am putting down here, Palm Springs is one of those geographical icons. A place you have heard about time and time again, seen in films (or on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, hello) and perhaps even visited one day on your way to Coachella. 
My obsession with Palm Springs isn’t in any way linked to Coachella, it has everything to do with the stunning mid-century architecture you will find there. The history of the town is intrinsically linked with classic Hollywood elite and it was also the Rat Pack’s getaway city of choice. Because I am not just a bore (well not always), I also enjoy taking in the scene-ry (geddit?) at the ACE Hotel. You have to experience the poolside scene there at least once, then just check in mid-week when it is a little quieter. Trust me on this one.

Sadly, despite a few day trips in Palm Springs, I am yet to find a great place to eat to share with you. At the weekend, the town becomes absolutely packed, brunching turns into an Olympic sport and I am no athlete. So if any of you have suggestions, aside from Cheeky’s please send them my way!

Can you believe Summer is almost over? It flew by!

For more travel pics, follow me on Instagram!
