I know I have been saying the same thing every month since I started the whole “theme” thing on here in January, but I am ever so excited about my June theme which is going to be #DENIM! Jeans are basically the most important items in my closet. I could happily get rid of everything as long as I was allowed to keep all my denim pieces. One day, I will get around doing a proper post about my wardrobe, with photos where you can see exactly what I mean when I say my wardrobe is 60% denim. The rest is mostly white, black and light blue. It makes every day dressing much easier which is great, but it also makes occasion and warm weather dressing that little bit harder. This month, I will attempt to show you how I style denim for all occasions, share snaps of some of my personal denim icons, offer some snappy DIY projects and introduce you to some seriously sassy denim wearers.
To kick-off this month, I am working on a really cool project with American Eagle Outfitters. I will be sharing my denim pics on Instagram and Twitter this week and a post containing my #AEOJeanJournal will be up here on Thursday… Until then, if you have any pressing questions, do get in touch by email, on Twitter or Instagram…