Letters From The Louniverse – February

February 2014 – The Two of Cups
Did the Universe just wink at us all, sending down this card just in time for Valentine’s? Like you, I’d rather feel the boom boom of my heart for 365 days of the year and not just one – but when we turn over the Two of Cups we should always take on an added air of hope, not just for a union, but for a reunion, a friendship or a turn around of our own inner harmony.
What does harmony mean to you, how does it feel to you? When we are totally in balance we have a very sincere strength that is equally the most delicate moment we might experience. A tiny change in our internal and external environment and we feel our inner pilot light flicker. This month, take a scan across the experience you are having and notice if you feel the scales tipping too much in one way or another, then, be unapologetic about recalibrating your adventure.  
With Mercury in retrograde this month and combined with the energy of this card you may have a sweet burst of rejuvenation or a second chance in an existing relationship. Be willing to break out of your comfort zone and give it a shot, with a judgment free attitude. If you meet someone new then have a willingness to loosen your grip on your challenges from the past – they do not have to be a blueprint for your future.
Work on your friendships. Is there an equal giving and receiving, on your part and theirs? Avoid putting up walls, perhaps you are the one that needs to say ‘I’m here’ to that person that may have dipped in contact, but has always helped you in times gone by. 
Finally, let the old fashioned magic that leaps from this image inspire you to be honest, real, present and without fear.

Let’s chat in the comments or if you would like a one on one Tarot reading with me in person, over Skype or via email, please contact me at [email protected] 
You can also purchase your very own 2014 Tarotscope from my website.
