August – The Page of Cups
After a moody and soul searching July I feel that the month of August arrives giving us a much needed spring in our step. This positive input comes in the form of The Page of Cups. The Pages always bring something to us, they inspire newness and paired with the Cups this card gifts us creative inspiration, heightened intuition and a positive grasp over our feelings.
Externally, these gifts may come in the form of unexpected but exciting news, opportunities to collaborate with likeminded people and a boost of confidence from within your work field. Internally, with your intuition bang on, start translating those dreams into realities. Emotionally it’s a good month to practice being more open with your feelings, being less afraid of your biggest crush and learning that vulnerability isn’t a weakness. By creating balance in the giving and receiving of love by letting people be there for you will bring more help into your life.
Let’s talk about Synchronicity, meaningful coincidences that show you that you’re in the right place and to encourage you to keep moving forwards. This card reminds us to look out for these winks from the Universe, to be open for opportunities and to steer ourselves away from putting on our controlling tunnel vision spectacles.
Start a synchronicity journal for all those moments that pop up. This may begin as a series of what you thought were moments of chance, and will develop into a book of magical prompts. In the most difficult times this will remind you of the cycles of life and how as you leap from one moment to the next, if you keep yourself present, with eyes wide open, magic surrounds.
Let’s chat in the comments or if you would like a one on one Tarot reading with me in person, over Skype or via email, please contact me at [email protected]