Deciding to take outfit photos 5mn before a car is booked to pick you up doesn’t really guarantee the best results, far from it, but I figured since I was all dressed up to go out on Friday night, I may as well get a post out of it. Quite a change from my current uniform, but in keeping with my new found desire for simplicity.
It was also the first outing of my “K bag“, which is the result of the combined efforts of Dannii Minogue and Tabitha Somerset Webb of Project D + Kenco Millicano (yep, the coffee brand). There are only 300 of this bag so I am pretty chuffed to have one to call my own. Who would have thought a bag issued from a collaboration with a coffee brand would be so cool? It weighs a ton because of the studs, but that’s ok, it makes me work out.
Traduction – J’avais 5mn pour prendre ces photos avant que mon taxi arrive, donc ce ne sont pas les meilleures, mais je voulais vous montrer ma tenue, pour une fois que je fais un effort! Ca change de mon uniforme actuel, mais cela reste simple, et c’est tout ce dont j’ai envie en ce moment.
C’était aussi la première sortie de mon sac K, créé par Dannii Minogue (la soeur de) et Tabitha Somerset Webb de Project D en collaboration avec la marque de café Kenco. Il est pas bon mon café? Et il est pas beau mon sac clouté? Il pèse une tonne et demi, mais c’est pas grave, ça me fait les biceps.
I am wearing – asos herringbone blazer + matching shorts + asos premium spider necklace, Borne shirt, chinese laundry shoes (luxe & high street)