I’m from Florida – a state officially nicknamed “The Sunshine State”; perhaps this explains my penchant for – nay, obsession with – sundresses. My wardrobe overfloweth with them, and I show no signs of slowing my collecting of these gardens in the shape of a dress.
I’m in L.A. for a week to visit some friends, take in the Art Deco architecture, hit the FYF Fest, and bask in the glowing sunshine. California’s nickname is “The Golden State,” but may perhaps be better described as “The Golden Drop of Sunshine State.” Perfect azure blue skies, perfectest for wearing the favorite sundresses – and for picking up some new (old) ones at Hollywood second-hand shops. One of my top priorities on any trip is to hit the second-hand shops, be they straight up Goodwill style with their hidden gem ballgowns and faux-furs buried among the ugly and the dirty and the ripped, for an an insanely low $5, or be they a well curated selection of mint condition vintage pieces for some insanely unreasonably high price that I occasionally (too frequently) end up paying because I fall in love with some insanely unreasonably lovely piece.
In my travels and second-hand shopping adventures, I find that there are some regional labels I can count on finding in a certain area. Florida is lousy with Leslie Faye and All That Jazz; I reached my saturation point with Leslie Faye long ago, but whenever I go home for a visit I come back to New York loaded down with All That Jazz. But California has so many of my favorites: Gunne Sax, Laura Ashley, and the glorious Lanz. I spent three months worth of clothing budget yesterday at American Superior Vintage on Hollywood Blvd., and they were plentiful with each of these designers, and so much more. I could not even allow myself to go to any other shops after I finished there, not least of all because my shopping bag was so heavy!
I won’t show you my recently purchased beauties, so you won’t be sad and envious and unable to run out and buy it if your little heart desires (I’ll give you a peek at my wardrobe once I’ve settled into my lovely new apartment), but you can feast your eyes on a few swank pieces that I’ve been eying for sale from sellers on Etsy. Have at ’em – my wallet is currently under lock and key.
Gunne Sax by Jessica McClintock. Clockwise from top left: Blue/lace maxi dress (via tractordog on Etsy); Gold Lamé party dress (ok so not quite a sundress, but totally awesome – via TigerlilyFrocks on Etsy); Calico maxi dress (via jessjamesjake on Etsy)

Laura Ashley. Clockwise from top left: Pink floral strapless dress (via blythehopesvintage on Etsy) Navy blue floral open back dress (via LibertyCarriage on Etsy); light blue floral puff sleeve dress (via moonshinejunkyard on Etsy)

Lanz of Salzburg. Clockwise from top left: White floral print dress (via modmodmod on Etsy); Teal and green dress (via DollyrockerVintage on Etsy); Green gingham apron drss (via petalpinkvintage on Etsy)
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