Jean-Pierre Braganza AW11-12

Do you remember, not the first time, but that time in February when I was trying to figure out a better way to cover Fashion Week on this blog? Well this is it. I decided that my coverage wouldn’t be about being the fastest anymore, or the first to publish images. and do it very well. Instead, what I want to do is share with you some images and impressions, untainted by the high levels of stress I experience during Fashion Week. 
Today, I give you Jean-Pierre Braganza, which was one of the highlights of this season’s shows for me. Powerful women marched down the runway in angular, graphic pieces, their faces painted with red accents, all sporting Amazon ponytails. I am always amused by the usual dichotomy between the Spring woman and the Autumn woman. One is ethereal, romantic and soft and the other is a warrior princess, all hard edges and swishy hair. It’s like watching Virgin Suicides one minute, Working Girl the next. I quite like it, although I don’t necessarily adhere to the concept myself. I like to prolong Summer’s softness all the way through the Winter. 
With the kerfuffle of LFW far behind me, I don’t remember the soundtrack to the show or the mood that was set for it – all I remember is watching it with a  grin while sitting on my little bench squished between two editors. The models were camping it up a little bit, it was quite reminiscent of the 90’s shows in that way. Over the top poses, exaggerated facial expressions, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Cindy Crawford had come down the runway in a high-leg swimsuit and shoulder pads. Or something.
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