Kitchen Robot – Bloomsbury Sunset Salmon

Since most of you are probably having a nice lie-in today, having booked off the few days in between two long weekends (that’s if you are in the UK), I thought I’d share my culinary experiments. I like cooking, I don’t cook often. This tasted really nice and looked like a Bloomsbury Sunset so I wanted to share the recipe with you.
It is an extremely simple dish to make and it is lovely and fresh – perfect for Spring. You will need (for 2)
– 2 salmon fillets (the pink sky)
– 100g of feta cheese (the fluffy Spring clouds)
– 50g of fresh mint (the leafy Bloomsbury trees)
– 1 lemon (the sun)

Place the salmon fillets in a dish, crumble the feta on the salmon, add some fresh mint. Squeeze the lemon over the top, making sure the salmon is soaked in juice. 
Pop the whole thing in the oven for 15mn. 
I like to serve mine with a side salad & a simple balsamic vinegar / olive oil dressing.

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