Some Little Internet Bites

The ASOS event last night was great fun, the only sad point being that my partner in crime had to miss it. She is the only other person I know who can truly understand the importance of a wind machine. Expect a full debrief once I uploaded my pictures.
Image taken from July Stars Tumblr
My Little Internet Bites are happening at the same time as Twitter‘s infamous Follow Friday, so that should give you a nice little stack of link to check out at the weekend!
♥ Sandrine Pigeon is a Parisian illustrator with an eye for all things beautiful. On her blog Les Petites Choses de Piou, she shares wonderful interiors shots… and she has the most amazing house, so it really is a treat. I can’t stop staring at her photos. She is opening an online shop at the end of March, so keep your eyes peeled.
♥ You may have noticed by now I am obsessed with Los Angeles. So when my favourite city pops up on one of my favourite blogs, it’s just like internet Heaven. Check out The Snail & The Cyclops photos of her trip to the city of Angels.
♥ If you like beautiful images, go and lose yourself in July Stars tumblr. Just like her blog, it is a beautiful collection of fashion poetry. Jaja also sends the funniest text messages.
♥ Since I am pimping out my friends, you should check out Bitchbuzz review of Tart. And in case you missed it, here is my video of the event
♥ Still with the friend pimpin’ (I can’t help it if all my friends are amazing): Loulou Loves You is preparing her new collection, I have seen it and it is even cuter than the previous ones. You better start saving up. In the meantime, you can read an interview I did with Loulou yonks ago (expect a follow up soon).
♥ Last but not least, a few blogs you should check out: Canned Fashion, Calivintage, Vagabondiana and The Clothes Horse.
That’s it from me, have a great weekend everyone!