I didn’t want to include the new Antoni & Alison collection in my London Fashion Week coverage as it stood out so much and struck me as more of an art installation. Of course, the clothes are beautiful and totally unique, but the whole concept behind the presentation had me completely charmed…
Antoni Burakowski / Alison Roberts
“Antoni and Alison were trying to figure out what makes a natural beauty, so they found one and asked her “How can I be you?”
The presentation was held in a room filled with 9 televisions showing images of Julia, the natural beauty in various outfits depicting her various talents.
Julia, the natural beauty.
“So you nurse sick animals?”
“Yes… when I was skateboarding once, I saw this injured bird and I mended his wing… I love animals like Brigitte Bardot loves animals.”
“So you’re very good at maths?”
“Yes… I find all numbers fascinating, I like using my grey matter and I have a jumper that reflects this.”
“So you’re an archivist?”
“Yes, at the moment I’m cataloguing a modern version of a historical costume – it’s a day-dress in plain weave linen – originally stained red – embroidered with gold thread and floss silk in stem stitch. The fragment of overlay is Celtic, it has been sequined and loosely stitched – it is one of only four remaining, the other 3 are in the Victoria and Albert Museum.”
In case your mind isn’t already blown by this wonderful hommage to the female mind and beauty, look closer at the pieces of this collection and you will see they are all made in trompe l’oeil – everything is actually printed on crepe de chine… and beautifully made.
All photos by me except for the pictures of Julia courtesy of Antoni&Alison.