Style Icon / Scarlett Johansson… in the Nanny diaries

I like Scarlett Johansson. Although her everyday style never really appealed to me. Her red carpet style however has made me roll on the floor drooling many times. Today, forget about the red carpet, and focus on the drooling bit, as I want to show you her style in the Nanny Diaries.

I was feeling a bit sad the other day so I decided to watch a cute film and I randomly rented this out. It did the job. And also I got to find a few nice outfits.

Also, I prefer Scarlett Johansson as a brunette. I think she looks a million times better. What do you think? Blonde or Brunette?


Je ne suis pas hyper fan du style de Scarlett Johansson dans la vie de tous les jours. Bien sur, je me roule par terre en bavant des qu’elle fait une apparition sur le tapis rouge. Aujourd’hui cependant, il sera plus question de bave que de tapis rouge puisque j’ai choisi de partager avec vous son style dans The Nanny Diaries.
