Donna Ida Denim

When London’s official denim queen comes a-knockin’ you simply don’t ignore her… A few weeks ago, Donna Ida and her team asked if we could sync our watches and find a day to shoot a denim story for their website. Of course, I didn’t even have time to say “let me think about it” and try to play it cool that I had already blurted out “yesIwilldoitcomeovertomyhouseIllbakeyoucookiesjustmakesureyoubringallthedenim“. I didn’t bake them cookies but I did all the rest. And they brought all the denim. The full shoot will be on their blog very soon alongside an interview with yours truly, but for now, here is a little teaser. Once again you can see Brak stole the show big time!


For more snaps, follow me on Instagram!


