I haven’t even written anything and already I lied to you in the title: the pieces above aren’t my “October Favourites”, these are bits I wear on a daily basis, pretty much all year round. However, a couple new additions to the family prompted me to write this. Any new relative, no matter how distant, needs to be properly introduced to you.
I have a funny relationship with jewellery – well not that funny really. I used to think I would never ever be into something other than costume jewellery, happily covering myself in an army of acrylic or plastic brooches, necklaces and rings everyday. That was overkill, I realise it now, but this is also how you learn about your own personal style, so never mind the plastic years. These days, I am partial to precious metals, diamonds and other shiny things. I don’t own any properly precious jewellery, but maybe one day, a girl can dream. Even my engagement ring, which has high sentimental value (obviously) doesn’t pack in the carats. And I love it even more for that reason.
Although I left my plastic habits behind, I still wear quite a lot of jewellery on a day to day basis (I mean I wrote a whole book about it). Possibly because that’s the only thing that can somehow “elevate” my otherwise fairly simple outfits. Also, each piece reminds me of something and I like having them all around me. They are like my teddies. You see, as a child I had to have ALL my teddies in the bed before I could go to sleep. I see you all nodding, Sigmund style, but don’t worry, I shall stop the childhood stories here and concentrate on the precious instead.
“Team Robot” Necklace (made by me and coming soon in the blog store), .
Daisy Knights “Lace Dimes”… Yes, I even wear jewellery on my shoes these days!
Photos taken with my with a 45mm lens. Mademoiselle Robot is a UK Ambassador for Olympus (but mainly just in love with her Pen)