My Birthday Dress

Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 33. I spent the evening hanging out with all my closest London friends and I plan on celebrating again in Paris in January. Like every year, I like to wear a special dress on my birthday and this year my dress of choice was the White Collar Crime dress by Coco Fennell.
Life works in funny ways as Coco advertised on the blog just before the Summer and I stumbled upon her lovely dresses in a pop-up shop on Portobello… Which led to meeting her as she happened to be there. Anyway, I promptly put this dress on my wish list. Then a couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Idealo, who are currently asking a few bloggers to showcase their favourite things as part of a new campaign. They kindly offered to treat me to an item I coveted and of course I thought of this dress right away. If you are on a limited budget, there are a few high-street brands who make similar style dresses and  I am pretty sure you can find one from here.
I am wearing: Coco Fennell dress c/o Idealo, Vintage shoes. Lipstick: DuWop Private red
