Bang Bang Copenhagen is a Danish children’s label created by Louise Lundholm and Mia Risager. Like a lot of cool Scandinavian kidswear, their collection focus on some super eye-catching prints and stay well away from the traditional colour codes. Thank God for that! Any mum out there who reads me and has ever tried to find some neutral coloured clothes – or even worse some brightly coloured clothes – for their child will understand what I am saying.
There is almost no hope when it comes to baby clothes: you just have to jump in a sea of sickly sweet pastel colours or embrace the naff slogan babygro – “Just spent 9 months inside”, “Nobody leaves baby in the corner” – that may sound hilarious at first, but quickly becomes just… annoying and smug.
When Mini Robot was born, I had no idea where to shop for fun baby clothes in London, so I ended up buying a lot of her stuff from France. Everything in London seemed either bland of garish.
Then I went to Stockholm and discovered a whole new world of children’s clothing: amazing prints, practical designs, low prices and over all fun stuff to buy. That led me of course to explore the whole of Scandinavia for more kids clothes, and Bang Bang Copenhagen is just one of them. Expect many more to come.
Mini Robot’s review: “They’re fine, I want to wear it. The scarf, and the hat, and the dress“.
Don’t forget to enter the Christmas Giveaway, you have until Jan 9th.