I find hair in equal parts fascinating and extremely annoying. You see I love nothing more than a good natter about hair, mostly because my particular brand of hair is pretty unruly. It is thick and strong and I love it, but it is a real chore to style it and make it look civilised. I’ve tried everything from Keratin treatments to just leaving it alone altogether, nothing really worked. So when Wella got in touch about their new System Professional ENERGYCODE™ COMPLEX, I was hooked.
The ENERGYCODE™ technology is a new complex combining naturally occurring active lipids and other powerful ingredients found in skin and hair. Basically it gives you the opportunity to look after your hair the way you look after your skin. The ENERGYCODE™ product range includes products from 4 pillars based on your individual hair and scalp needs: Fibra (offering hair fibre regeneration and protection), Derma (designed for a healthy scalp), Forma (specialist care for every hair texture) and Extra (high performance products using the most advanced technologies).
The idea behind ENERGYCODE™ is simple: everyone’s hair has a different energy profile, everyone is unique and needs a bespoke system to cater to their unique hair needs. So the first step towards great hair is to head to your nearest Wella salon to diagnose your unique “hair energy” profile (if you are in the U.K., you can find your nearest salon on their site) or you can also do it at home by using the self-diagnosis tool. Once your hair energy profile has been identified, your hair consultant will be able to recommend a personalised combination of System Professional products with ENERGYCODE™ COMPLEX.
My hair is frizzy, thick, coarse and curly and I wanted it to be tamer, softer and overall easier to style. My prescription is R6 + X2e + H1 + S3 (with a side order of SOL4 to combat the effects of the Californian sun on my hair). I definitely noticed a difference from the very first application, my hair was so silky and also had a lot of movement and shine to it. I took my new haircare system home with me and I will be using it for the next couple of weeks… Stay tuned for an update on May 26th!
In the meantime, you can get your own ENERGYCODE™ mapping online and get some free personalised samples – do it so we can be on a hair quest together! Don’t forget to let me know how you get on by using #myenergycode in your posts!