In order to raise awareness of World AIDS Day which takes place on 1st December 2014, Eastpak have enlisted the help of sixteen of the biggest and best fashion designers to create unique backpacks. Each designer was given a blank Eastpak Padded Pak’r which they then customized in their own inimitable way. The results are… well to be honest, they’re amazing. Each bag will go on sale via an auction with the proceeds going towards the Designers Against Aids charity, a great cause. Check out some of my favourite bags below. I haven’t got room to show you all the pictures but you can see the rest of the collection over on the Eastpak site and learn more about how to bid. Keep an eye out for the Walter Van Bierendonck, it’s a particularly good one. Go bid on a bag!
Christopher Shannon
Jean-Paul Gaultier
Manolo Blahnik
Scooter LaForge
Follow me @RobotMonsieur