Style Icon – Fran Fine aka The Nanny

Yesterday, I saw that The Nanny (a TV classic of the 1990s) had been added to my favourite website. I also discovered yesterday that Justin had never seen or heard about The Nanny. So I decided to show it to him. Before this, however, I attempted to explain to him how it belonged to this one particular type of 1980s and 1990s “rescue” shows. The plot is always simple, someone poor is hired by someone rich, numerous comical situations arise and in the end they fall in love and get married. Call them fairy tales if you like. Anyway, in the midst of this conversation, I mentioned Who’s the Boss? that he hadn’t seen either. I tut tutted frantically and showed him this to try and refresh his memory.

Unfortunately, it didn’t refresh anything and he assured me he had NEVER EVER seen this show. Maybe it wasn’t aired in the UK, who knows. It takes more to discourage me though, so I showed him the very first episode of The Nanny. It was the first time I was watching it in English, as I’d only watched it on French TV so far. I had forgotten just how amusing it was. And also, I had forgotten Fran’s crazy Queen’s pin-up style.

Stretchy dresses for champagne with Pam

Glitter leopard print

Brassiere and mini skirt combo

Perfecto, mini skirt and SHEER tights

Biker inspired faux suit

This show is a 1990s fashion BIBLE. If I had time, I would take you through the evolution of Maggie’s style (she’s the oldest daughter) – but you’ll have to see by yourself.


  1. January 28, 2008 / 4:08 PM

    OOOh j’aime Fran Fine ! Les robes Hervé Léger ! Les manteaux en fausse fourrure ! Le poivre et sel de Mr. Sheffield !

  2. January 29, 2008 / 5:44 PM

    amph non plus il connaissait pas..(ni “la fête a la maison” d’ailleurs :))franchement ces anglais ils ont loupé le meilleur de la télé!

  3. January 29, 2008 / 11:45 PM

    i love the nanny!
    although I think i only ever saw about 4 episodes and this was on holiday, maybe in paris, no actually i think in amsterdam, so yeah, i think maybe it was never aired in england or i would have watched it some more
