Lockdown distractions #1: Tijuana Teens
Los Angeles

Lockdown distractions #1: Tijuana Teens

We are all stuck at home, brains like potatoes, alternating between loungewear and pyjama, grief and acceptance and staring at our knees for abnormal amount of time. At least this is how I feel on most days. Sometimes I go…

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Casa Perfect 3.0
Los Angeles

Casa Perfect 3.0

You may remember me trying to sneakily steal the keys to Casa Perfect L.A. three years ago when the perfect design U.F.O. landed in my city. Well, since then they moved not once, but twice. Casa Perfect 2.0 was Elvis’…

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Welcome To My Mid-Life Style Crisis
Los Angeles

Welcome To My Mid-Life Style Crisis

The other day, I opened my closet and all my clothes started shouting “WHO EVEN ARE YOU?”. Not in a cool and mysterious “who is she?” way. More in a “How did you get into my house and why are…

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I Went to New York and all I got was this lousy tee-shirt
New York

I Went to New York and all …

Hey – me again. Today I thought I would review New York City for you. I went there for the first time when I was 12 years old. Back then I was more interested in what new games I was…

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The Edit – World Market

Is This Thing On?
Los Angeles

Is This Thing On?

OMG you guys. It’s been a while. It may have even been a while and a half, I am not even sure. I fell asleep and I woke up and it was the year 3076, blogs were obsoletes and I…

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