The other day, I opened my closet and all my clothes started shouting “WHO EVEN ARE YOU?”. Not in a cool and mysterious “who is she?” way. More in a “How did you get into my house and why are you wearing my skin as a suit?” Way. That as disturbing as you can imagine. Firstly because I spent 41 years on this earth not knowing clothes can talk (and throw shade) and secondly because well… I can’t really face the world in my birthday suit.
So I did what anyone would do, I reached for a pair of jeans, a tee-shirt and a sweat shirt and called it a day. Did I love my look? Nah. Did I feel like it represented my personality? Nah. Did it excite me? Naaaaah. But it looked alright. I could have thrown on some accessories but I didn’t bother. Why should I?

And this is how I realised I was in the midst of a mid-life style rut. I didn’t see it coming. Didn’t think it would happen to me. I used to tell people what to wear for a living. Then L.A. happened, my time in the fashion industry seems like a distant memory. The shine of the sequins and Atelier Swarovski crystals is dimming in my mind. I’m left with faithful basics. Bit boring.
I consulted with the oracle (my girlfriends group chat on WhatsApp) and we concluded I just needed to try everything. Even stuff i had snubbed before. Stuff I thought wasn’t me.
I am trying EVERYTHING. From any brand. Any shape. Any print, colour or style. I even tried Stitch Fix (plot twist: it was awful – they sent me a full Karen outfit, I didn’t even open the box and sent it back). I tried on all the dresses from ASOS. Ended up keeping one. My family is the official jury of this experiment and they get regular fashion shows. I feel sorry for them but they indulge me.
I am also trying to re-appropriate my own stuff of course. I put together whacky outfits just to see how they feel. Some of them have felt pretty good, some… didn’t make it out the door (of my closet).

So I ask you, my 40-something readers – I know you are there somewhere- what do you wear? How do you deal with such feelings? How do you keep shit fresh? Tell me in the comments or slide in my insta DMs.
I’m 44 and moved from Seattle to a sleepier city. My thing now is basics (and comfy as I WFH) but one weirdo thing per day. Orange faux fur jacket. Anything Kenzo. Layers of fun necklaces. I don’t know, it makes me happy.
I love the idea of one weirdo thing per day!
J’ai pas encore 40 ans mais PAREIL! Je sais pas si c’est le changement de pays ou la grosse remise en question, mais j’ai envie de jeter la majorité de mes fringues.
J’ai envie plus que jamais d’uniformes, genre les mêmes vêtements mais dans des couleurs différentes, envie de simplicité, de confort.
Comme tu te souviens peut-être je porte rarement des pantalons, mais j’ai trouvé LE pantalon de mes rêves chez Monki (bien sûr) et du coup j’envisage de le commander dans tous les couleurs de l’univers.
Une nouvelle garderobe pour un nouveau chapitre?
Monki c’est toujours mon enseigne de choix! A chaque fois que je reviens en Europe je trouve des pieces chez eux. C’est le melange parfait de simplicite de la coupe + pas trop barbant.
Tu me montres le pantalon par DM? bisous ma poulette!!!