Hair – Spring Inspiration

You probably don’t know this if you’ve never met me in person before, but I can talk about hair for hours. My own hair is a bit like a blank canvas and I regularly experiment with it. It’s been orange, extremely dip-dyed (to the point that I sort of looked like Pepe Le Pew), it’s been long, super short, I even at some point (in the electroclash years – sigh) had a weird mullet. Not my proudest hair moment. 
Nowadays, my hair is in its simplest form: middle parting, slightly wavy and with a very subtle ombré going on, courtesy of Jenny at Taylor Taylor Portobello. Still, in case I decide to do something dramatically different, I like to keep a couple pinterest boards with my favourite hairstyles. One is “realistic“, filled with pics to take to the hairdresser and the other one contains all the dream pastel hair.
Jessica Alba at the NCLR Alma Awards. 
This is the pic I took to the hairdressers to show them what I wanted my hair to look like

Millie Clinton // Felicity Jones in VOGUE

Larissa Hoffman by ToMa
Tim Walker // We Heart It
