For someone who, like me doesn’t like shopping, this is pretty much how close as it gets to a “haul” post. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it on here, but I really don’t like spending time in shops. Sure, I will buy clothes, but I mostly do this online and I kind of put myself on a shopping ban (well, ish) as I am sick and tired of my overflowing wardrobe situation. This is another story though and doesn’t concern us today.
When I am abroad, especially when I am somewhere I really love, my shopping allergies become an issue as I am torn between wanting quite desperately to find the perfect item to bring home and a strong desire to just sit around and drink iced coffee instead. Generally, the iced coffee wins.
There are places where I do enjoy shopping, generally little boutiques where everything is curated to perfection and there isn’t much effort involved on my part… I also love museum gift shops and giant bookshops. The good thing is, I go to Los Angeles very often and the city is filled with such gems. I have my usual hunting grounds, places that I visit because they are near a restaurant or coffee shop I like, or simply because they are super special. When I went to Los Angeles for the first time, I fell in love with the city and I was completely desperate to bring back stuff with me, just to have a taste of the city with me. Unfortunately, that time I was totally broke and although I had fallen hard for the place, I didn’t really “get” what it was really about.
When I went back, almost a decade later I was much better off and had had time to think about Los Angeles and what it represented to me, so I also had a clearer idea of the type of things I wanted from it. Now, I am fortunate enough to go there twice a year and my shopping habits there are totally different. For one thing, I pay attention to what I buy and where it comes from. There are lots of Californian companies, small artisanal businesses based in LA and SF and I love to be able to support them. I also try not to buy clothes there as I found that the things I did buy there in the past just didn’t fit in my London life. And it isn’t just to do with the weather… There is also the slight issue that all the cool clothing stores I know and love in LA mostly stock European designers, which is pretty much pointless for me.
So now, I mostly get things for my house, little things of course – I wish one day to be able to bring back a giant mid-century sofa – but they sit around looking pretty back in London and somehow bring a little Californian sunshine to my living room. I find that Los Angeles is particularly amazing for scented candles. There are lots of companies based out there that make really lovely candles with the best summery scents.
Here are some of my favourite stores in Los Angeles:
1939-1/2 Hillhurst Ave Los Angeles,
CA 90027, United States
3902 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles,
CA 90029, United States
CA 90029, United States
5905 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles,
CA 90036, United States
6400 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles,
CA 90028, United States
1801 Lincoln Blvd Venice,
CA 90291, United States
Top photo: Pommes Frites Candles Co in Summer Breeze, West Third Brand’s Société de Senteur in Love First, “Accept The Good” Colby Poster, John Waters (Place Space).